Personal Care
- Personal Business
- You carried WHAT on your bike?!
- Arts and Entertainment
- Non-Store Errand
- Social Call (includes restaurants, coffee, and other social activities)
- Work or Volunteering, School (includes dropping off kids)
- Store (includes bike shop, running store, grocery store, etc. You know, a store.)
- Wild Card
- and new this year, Peaceful Everyday Actions, which I think is awesome given the state of the society we are currently forced to endure, unless we choose to do otherwise, which this category helps us to make.
DATE: March 21, 2018
CATEGORY: Personnel Care
OBSERVATION: Physical Therapy for Laura and her troubled knee. Riding the bike makes it feel better, which is a good thing otherwise I don't know what we would do with ourselves.
DATE: March 21, 2018
CATEGORY: Social Call
OBSERVATION: Coffee Shop. We always enjoy going to our favorite coffee shop, Silk City Coffee. They always enjoy us arriving on our tandem. Makes for a great combination.
DATE: March 23, 2018
CATEGORY: Arts and Entertainment
OBSERVATION: Playing games. It takes place at our favorite coffee shop on Friday nights, but playing games while also there enjoying live music, now that is entertaining.
DATE: March 23, 2018
CATEGORY: You carried WHAT on your bike?!
OBSERVATION: Filomena's Pizza. To continue with our usual Friday night tradition, after the games at the coffee shop we grab a pizza and take it home to eat.
DATE: March 24, 2018
CATEGORY: Personnel Care
OBSERVATION: CardioExpress Gym. Got to keep in shape for riding the tandem.
DATE: March 24, 2018
OBSERVATION: Home Depot. Stopping to pick up some electrical supplies to work on the model railroad I am construction in the basement.
DATE: March 24, 2018
OBSERVATION: Joanns. More supplies to work on the model railroad. Toiling around in the basement, playing with trains, it is nice to actually get out every once in a while.
DATE: March 24, 2018
CATEGORY: Peaceful Everyday Actions
OBSERVATION: Sweet Frog. This might be stretching the category a bit, but sitting back and enjoying a cool, sweet treat while contemplating the state of affairs in ones life certainly qualifies, I think.
DATE: March 25, 2018
CATEGORY: Personal Business
OBSERVATION: Post Office. Dropping of some mail that needed to be delivered.
DATE: March 31, 2018
CATEGORY: Personal Business
OBSERVATION: Another postal run, but this time to deliver a package to the Credit Union that was incorrectly delivered to our house. Happens frequently. The difference being Main St. vs S. Main St.
DATE: March 31, 2018
CATEGORY: Peaceful Everyday Actions
OBSERVATION: Picking up garbage along the local stretch of the East Coast Greenway near our house. It inspired hope in us as we watched all the people out enjoying the day, families in the park, kids playing in the musical park, people walking their dogs. People thanked us for cleaning up the limited garbage along the path, and some even joined in to help. How awesome is that?
DATE: March 31, 2018
CATEGORY: You carried WHAT on your bike?!
OBSERVATION: Auto Zone. Unfortunately we are still reliant on our car, especially when you have young adults who want to drive it. We needed to replace the battery. How better to get a replacement than by tandem bike.